
‘Never Sleep Again’: Jan Peter Wingender


‘Never Sleep Again’: Jan Peter Wingender

Femke van der Laan in conversation with Jan Peter Wingender during a live radio broadcast on VPRO on Wednesday night, 3 January. Starting from 4 January you can listen to it here (Dutch-only).


Jan Peter Wingender on BNR Nieuwsradio


Jan Peter Wingender on BNR Nieuwsradio

On Christmas Day at 15:30, as 'Architect of the Year', Jan Peter Wingender will be a guest on BNR Nieuwsradio with hosts Maarten Bouwhuis and Maarten de Gruyter. Jan Peter talks about the reuse of existing buildings and why ‘a street extra’ may not be such a good idea.


You can listen to the podcast from 16:00 onwards (Dutch-only).


Local Heroes•23: out now!


Local Heroes•23: out now!

Samuel Mockbee by Jan Timmers

Photography by Timothy Hursley

Read Local Heroes•23 here.


Pillows Hotel Maurits at the Park is one of the best new buildings in Amsterdam


Pillows Hotel Maurits at the Park is one of the best new buildings in Amsterdam

“The space of the Van Oost restaurant is an asset to the city: located in the former Zoological Museum, with a view over the park on three sides – and with a beautiful wooden roof. A grand boutique hotel is the result.”


Read the article in Het Parool here (Dutch-only).


Photo: Stefan Müller


Where past and present meet – Amsterdam Amstel Station


Where past and present meet – Amsterdam Amstel Station

When it opened in 1939, Amsterdam Amstel Station had one of the most innovative station buildings of its time. In recent years, the station and the surrounding area have been renovated and redesigned. Architecture by Office Winhov in collaboration with Gottlieb Paludan Architects.


The latest adjustments to Amsterdam Amstel Station are described in this article on Architectenweb (Dutch-only).


On the cover of Petersen Magazine


On the cover of Petersen Magazine

Issue 49 has an in-depth feature about Pillows Grand Boutique Hotel Maurits at the Park.


Photography in the issue by Stefan Müller.


Architect of the Year!


Architect of the Year!

We are proud that Office Winhov has been awarded ‘Architect of the Year 2023’. This prize is an acknowledgement of our active contribution to the development of our profession. 

This would not have been possible without the conversations, exchanges, and collaborations with our team, colleagues and stakeholders. This prize is a reflection of our collective efforts and we therefore thank you!

Also a 'Thank You' to Architectenweb for this acknowledgement.





Last Tuesday Jürg Conzett gave the lecture ‘Design-by-thinking-of-troubled-water’. A big thank you to him!


‘Design-by-thinking-of’ is a series of lectures, by and for architects. It offers a platform for architects to share their projects and specific thoughts around design. Editorial board: Bergplaats, Moriko Kira Architect, Ard de Vries Architects and Office Winhov.


Pillows Hotel Maurits at the Park wins NRP Gulden Feniks!


Pillows Hotel Maurits at the Park wins NRP Gulden Feniks!

On the website of NRP you can view a film about Pillows Hotel Maurits at the Park – and read more about the jury’s thoughts and our collaboration with the owner and developer Amerborgh.

NRP Gulden Feniks is the award for renovation and transformation. Leiden’s City Hall also received a nomination.

In collaboration with deMunnik-deJong Architects (council chamber Leiden) and Studio Linse (interiors city hall and hotel).

Photo: Stefan Müller


Pillows Grand Boutique Hotel Maurits at the Park finalist for the Archello Awards


Pillows Grand Boutique Hotel Maurits at the Park finalist for the Archello Awards

We are thrilled that Pillows Maurits at the Park has been selected as a finalist for the Archello Awards 2023 ‘Hotel Building of the Year’ category.


Architectenweb and Office Winhov organised a symposium


Architectenweb and Office Winhov organised a symposium

You may view the symposium ‘Design in analogy with the existing’ here on Architectenweb (Dutch-only).


Don’t aim to contrast with the existing – but design in analogy with the existing. A growing group of architects continues to work on existing buildings in this new way. How do they handle this? And can we come up with a method for this together? On Monday afternoon, 9 October 2023, Architectenweb and Office Winhov organised a symposium about this in Pakhuis de Zwijger.


Office Winhov designs residential tower with maker spaces for ‘design district’ Strijp-S in Eindhoven


Office Winhov designs residential tower with maker spaces for ‘design district’ Strijp-S in Eindhoven

Under supervision of West 8, the former Philips industrial area Strijp-S in Eindhoven is being (re)developed into an urban district where the industrial history of Philips remains alive. New buildings and transformed Philips factories stand side-by-side in a green environment where people can live, work and relax.
Opposite the former ‘Philips Bedrijfsschool’, Office Winhov is designing a tower that fits in with the innovative character of this ‘design district’ in terms of both program and design. With approximately 170 dwellings on a plinth that provides space for makers and commercial activity, the tower adds to a vibrant area for living and working. The prefab concrete façade seeks to connect with the iconic Philips buildings in a contemporary manner.
The development of Strijp-S is an initiative of Park Strijp Beheer, a collaboration between VolkerWessels and the municipality of Eindhoven. SDK Vastgoed is involved in the project as a developer. In addition to Office Winhov, Marc Koehler Architects and Arons & Gelauf Architects are also participating in Phase 4 of the development of Strijp-S.


Studio Pallesh and Office Winhov are designing the first development of the Kabeldistrict [‘Cable District’] in Delft


Studio Pallesh and Office Winhov are designing the first development of the Kabeldistrict [‘Cable District’] in Delft

The former site of the Nederlandse Kabelfabriek [‘Dutch Cable Factory’] (1914) on the shore of the river Schie in Delft will transform into a modern manufacturing city in the coming years. Commissioned by Amvest and Kondor Wessels, the designers of the Rotterdam firms Mei Architects and ZUS have drawn up an urban development plan for a mix of homes, facilities and businesses.

The design combination Studio Pallesh and Office Winhov is working on residential-work-buildings, facilities, and a residential tower in the first development of the Kabeldistrict, which borders the south side of the former cable factory.

The other designers in the first development are Team V Architecture, Ector Hoogstad Architects, Atelier van Berlo, WE Architects and Mei Architects.


10 years later: Office Winhov and Korthtielens together again in the Kolenkitbuurt


10 years later: Office Winhov and Korthtielens together again in the Kolenkitbuurt

The design combination, Office Winhov and Korthtielens Architects, has just completed the Urban Structure Design for the transformation and densification of the Kolenkitbuurt centre. Located between Sinjeur Semeynsstraat, Schaaherderstraat, Leeuwendalersweg and Wiltzanglaan, the project also includes the transformation of the Piggelmee blocks. 


Preliminary design work will begin in November 2023.


Client: Rochdale housing association

Architecture: design combination Office Winhov with Korthtielens Architects

Landscape architecture: Bureau B+B Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture


Pillows Hotel Maurits at the Park nominated for the Abe Bonnema Award!


Pillows Hotel Maurits at the Park nominated for the Abe Bonnema Award!

As part of the city’s extending and transforming of Oosterpark, the former university dissection laboratory was given a new purpose as a 5-star hotel that’s also welcoming for locals. The overall complexity of this project – combining adaptive re-use, a new wing extension, and strengthening the relationship with the surrounding park – is a reflection of Office Winhov’s overall approach and ambitions.


Local Heroes•22: out now!


Local Heroes•22: out now!

Local Heroes•22: out now!


Renée Gailhoustet by Elise Zoetmulder.


Read Local Heroes•22 here.


The new city hall of Den Helder is open!


The new city hall of Den Helder is open!

Together with Van Hoogevest Architects, the new ‘House of the City’ has been realized in two old warehouses at the Willemsoord dockyard. The starting point of this transformation was to preserve and strengthen the cultural-historical value of this ensemble. With the arrival of the city hall at the dockyard, this once outlaying nautical area will become a unique and characterful part of the city.



Installatieadviseur: W4Y adviseurs bv

Constructeur: ABT bv

Opdrachtgever: Zeestad CV/BV

Gebruiker: Gemeente Den Helder

Bouwmanagement: bbn adviseurs

Aannemer: Friso Bouwgroep

Lichtontwerp: Beersnielsen Lichtontwerpers


Design team:

Jacqueline van Dam, Henk van Rossum, Maarten Bakker, Ronald M. H. Veltman, Jan Peter Wingender, Dominique de Rond, Anna Karina Janssen, Anna Tabellini, Leon Kentrop, Charles Hueber, Martijn van Wijk


Signage: Janno Hahn

Bespoke Rugs: Edith van Berkel


Photo: Jacqueline van Dam


2 nominations for NRP Gulden Feniks!


2 nominations for NRP Gulden Feniks!

Pillows Hotel Maurits at the Park and Leiden’s City Hall received nominations for NRP Gulden Feniks – the award for renovation and transformation.


In collaboration with deMunnik-deJong Architects (council chamber Leiden) and Studio Linse (interiors city hall and hotel).





The third season of the lecture series ‘Design-by-thinking-of’ kicked off last Wednesday with the lecture ‘Design-by-thinking-of-the-room-and-the-city’ by Stephen Bates of Sergison Bates architects. A big thank you to him!

‘Design-by-thinking-of’ is a series of lectures, by and for architects. It offers a new platform for architects to share their projects and specific thoughts around design. Editorial board: Bergplaats, Moriko Kira Architect, Ard de Vries Architects and Office Winhov.


Six members appointed for the new BNA Board


Six members appointed for the new BNA Board

Annegien van Dijk (BRIQUE Architecten), Floris Overheul (Mecanoo), Wouter Thijssen (MVSA), Tim Vermeend (Urban Climate Architects), Jeroen de Willigen (De Zwarte Hond) and Jan Peter Wingender (Office Winhov) will work for the BNA in the coming period.


New project on this site: Somerparc Residential Building


New project on this site: Somerparc Residential Building

Residential building ‘Somerpac aan de Amstel’ forms the head of the late Industrial area ‘Zuidergasterrein’ located at the river Amstel. The block, consisting of four individual Canal houses is part of a larger urban development in Amsterdam. The building contains a broad variety of 54 high-end apartments above a collective parking garage.

Photo: Stefan Müller


Marketing + Architecture Award for flagship store Bucherer


Marketing + Architecture Award for flagship store Bucherer

Flagship store Bucherer wins the 2023 Marketing + Architecture Award in the category shops, flagship stores, trade fair and temporary buildings.


Architecture in collaboration with Office Haratori.


9 October 2023: Design in analogy with the existing


9 October 2023: Design in analogy with the existing

Don’t aim to contrast with the existing – but design in analogy with the existing. A growing group of architects continues to work on existing buildings in this new way. How do they handle this? And can we come up with a method for this together? On Monday afternoon, 9 October 2023, Architectenweb and Office Winhov will organize a symposium about this in Pakhuis de Zwijger.


Register for free for the symposium (Dutch-only)


Photo: Pillows Hotel Maurits at the Park / Stefan Müller


Leiden’s City Hall nominated for the 'Heritage Sustainability Award 2023’


Leiden’s City Hall nominated for the 'Heritage Sustainability Award 2023’

The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the National Restoration Fund and the foundation ‘Nederland Monumentenland’ organize the annual Heritage Sustainability Prize


With the national monument Leiden’s City Hall, the entire complex was extensively renovated, restored and made more sustainable. The special challenge was to come up with sustainability solutions – in terms of both material use and energy consumption/insulation – that fit within the monumental character of the historical building. It was certainly balancing act – one Office Winhov is now proud of being recognized for.

Photo: René de Wit


Lecture 'From new construction to renovation with Archicad' on 21 September


Lecture 'From new construction to renovation with Archicad' on 21 September

Within the series of lectures 'Architects in Ctrl', Henk Tiegelaar and Caroline Versteden take you through the development Office Winhov has experienced with Archicad. From the transition to integration, and from a focus from new construction to renovation. They do this based on two notable projects:


– Renovation, transformation, and sustainability of the Staal-Kade office building in Amsterdam

– Expansion of Nijmegen Station


Register now! No time? If you register you can receive the recording afterwards.


'Architects in Ctrl' is organised by Kubus.


Image: Render of the Staal-Kade office building


Bronze Erich Mendelsohn Award for the transformation of Pillows Maurits at the Park!


Bronze Erich Mendelsohn Award for the transformation of Pillows Maurits at the Park!

We are honoured to receive Bronze Erich Mendelsohn Award for the transformation of Pillows Maurits at the Park! Our transformation of Pillows Grand Boutique Hotel Maurits at the Park (a former anatomy lab) won the Bronze Erich Mendelsohn Award – the international award for best brick building within the category “Office and commercial buildings”.

With special thanks to Petersen Tegl for the custom-made bricks.

Congratulations to the winners of Silver Grafton Architects and Grand Prix HARQUITECTES.


Nomination: 'Architect of the Year' for Architectenweb Awards 2023!


Nomination: 'Architect of the Year' for Architectenweb Awards 2023!

This nomination highlights our active contribution to the development of our profession. Without the conversations, exchanges and collaborations with colleagues and clients, this recognition would not have been possible. Thank you for your trust and confidence. 


The nomination video sheds light on our approach to the challenges of architectural reuse based on three recently completed projects: National Holocaust Museum, City Hall Den Helder and Pillows Hotel Maurits at the Park.


Watch the video’s of the nominees here.


Thanks to the Architectenweb jury: Do Janne Vermeulen, Anouk Reintjens, Thomas Bedaux, Mechthild Stuhlmacher.

And congratulations to fellow nominees Marjolein van Eig, Studioninedots, Crimson Historians & Urbanists and Peter van Assche!


Leiden’s City Hall nominated for Rijnlandse Architectuurprijs!


Leiden’s City Hall nominated for Rijnlandse Architectuurprijs!

The renovation of Leiden’s City Hall is nominated for RAP – this prize rewards and stimulates high-profile architecture in the Rijnland region. In collaboration with Studio Linse.

Check the shortlist & vote here.


Podcast with Jan Peter Wingender: highrises as 'tall houses'


Podcast with Jan Peter Wingender: highrises as 'tall houses'

Tower of Babel is a monthly series within the Architectenweb Podcast. Here architect Daan Roggeveen (MORE Architecture) talks with designers, developers and other experts who all have their own perspective on highrises. The aim is to answer the question: how do you make a really good tall building? This month's guest is architect Jan Peter Wingender, co-founder of Office Winhov.

In the podcast, Jan Peter talks about the origins of Office Winhov and the office's position within Dutch architecture. He explains how the office’s focus is working on and intensifying the existing city.

Jan Peter talks about his vision on densification and highrise buildings: about the German idea of 'Hochhaus', residential towers as 'tall houses' in the city – where proportion, size, scale and the urban horizon play an important role.

And they talk about the question of how prefabrication and rationality can combine with architectural quality. As examples, Jan Peter cites residential towers the office has recently designed and built in Amsterdam, Zurich, Eindhoven, etcetera, in which load-bearing prefabricated concrete facades have been used. He discusses in detail Office Winhov's vision on buildability and repetition in highrise buildings.

A good tall building? As far as Jan Peter is concerned, it has to have its feet in the street and serve the city. So listen! Listen to the podcast here (Dutch-only).

Photo Zölly residential tower (Zürich).


Out of Office Winhov


Out of Office Winhov

Office Winhov will be closed from Monday 7 August to Friday 18 August. We will be returning to the office on Monday 21 August.


Meanwhile there is time for fresh perspectives: The Arcam show “Out of Office – Amsterdam Models on the Move” is ongoing. Three models of Office Winhov are also on display.


Photo: Arcam, Maarten Nauw


Amsterdam Amstel Station published in ‘Stedenbouw & Architectuur’


Amsterdam Amstel Station published in ‘Stedenbouw & Architectuur’

Interview with Jan Peter Wingender and Caroline Versteden (Office Winhov) about the value of monumental train stations.


New project on this site: office and retail Kalverstraat!


New project on this site: office and retail Kalverstraat!

A complex cluster of buildings between Amsterdam’s iconic shopping street Kalverstraat and Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal grew together over time. With the change in the fashion retail industry and the increasing need for densification in the historical urban fabric, it was time for a rigorous transformation and reorganisation. In order to activate a collection of buildings into retail and office spaces, the unique qualities and characters of each building were separately defined. This was done by untangling the volumes and letting in the light. The three-level retail space on the Kalverstraat is highlighted by a completely new natural stone façade. This façade is characterized by its deep relief, reflecting both the building’s historical parcellation and its new use. Meanwhile, the second and third floors above were redeveloped as offices that are connected with a light double-height space to the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal. The connecting space now forms the heart of the ensemble, with a new family of façades enabling light workspaces. The interiors are characterized by a careful selection of materials that reflect the building's modern reuse.


We have been commissioned as the architects and is also responsible for the interior design.

Photo: Stefan Müller


Highest peak of Staal-Kade has been reached


Highest peak of Staal-Kade has been reached

Photo: Tom de Kort


Uri Gilad kicks off the ‘Summer Series’ of de Architect


Uri Gilad kicks off the ‘Summer Series’ of de Architect

Uri Gilad kicks off the ‘Summer Series’ of de Architect with the destination Alpine loft in Mathon: “The landscape changes from pure white to pure green. But the peace remains constant”

Nice read! – written by Hanna Veltman (Dutch-only)

Photography by Office haratori & Office Winhov


Heinz Bienefeld by Peter Meijer – out again!


Heinz Bienefeld by Peter Meijer – out again!

Read Local Heroes •12 here.


Out of Office – Amsterdam Models on the Move


Out of Office – Amsterdam Models on the Move

Arcam is organizing a large model exhibition, which can be seen from 21 July to 10 September. Three models made by Office Winhov will also be on display.


Image: Model of office building Staal-Kade made by Alexandre Augu


Pillows Maurits at the Park nominated for Erich Mendelsohn Award!


Pillows Maurits at the Park nominated for Erich Mendelsohn Award!

Our transformation of Pillows Grand Boutique Hotel Maurits at the Park (a former anatomy lab) is nominated for the Erich Mendelsohn Award – the award for best brick building.


Pillows Maurits at the Park nominated for the Brick Award!


Pillows Maurits at the Park nominated for the Brick Award!

Our transformation of Pillows Grand Boutique Hotel Maurits at the Park (a former anatomy lab) is nominated for the Brick Awards in the category ‘Worldwide’.

Photo: Stefan Müller


Office Winhov untangles urban knots


Office Winhov untangles urban knots

Interview with Uri Gilad, Inez Tan and Caroline Versteden in the Kroonenberg Journal about our collaboration with Kroonenberg Groep, shared ambitions and the projects Kalverstraat 48/Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 269 and Raadhuisstraat 46-50.


2 intern vacancies


2 intern vacancies

From August 2023, Office Winhov has two intern vacancies for a minimum of 10 months. Deadline for application with a printed portfolio is 30 June 2023.

Model by intern Gwenaëlle Polgar


Yearbook ‘Architecture in the Netherlands 2022–2023’


Yearbook ‘Architecture in the Netherlands 2022–2023’

Since 1988, ‘Architecture in the Netherlands’ has been an indispensable overview and inspiration source for industry professionals, as well as anyone interested in Dutch architecture. Each year, a three-person editorial team put together a publication showcasing the past architectural year through essays and a selection of remarkable projects reflecting the state-of-the-trade.


The editors for 2022–2023 are Teun van den Ende (founder of Werkplaats Erfgoed, independent researcher, writer for Vers Beton and others, and spatial advisor), Uri Gilad (co-founder and partner of Office Winhov) and Arna Mačkić (co-founder of studio L A). The yearbook is published by nai010 publishers.


Office Winhov is designing the new book depot for the National Library of the Netherlands


Office Winhov is designing the new book depot for the National Library of the Netherlands

The book depot is formulated to become the 'treasury and time machine' of the ‘Dutch Royal Library’ – the national library of the Netherlands. The preliminary design gives an impression of the depot that the Central Government Real Estate Agency (RVB) expects to complete in 2026.


Our design references the books that will be stored in the depot. “The inspiration for the design is an open book and that image is reflected as a curve in the façade. The relief is based on the hieroglyphic script: the letters are not legible, but are inspired by the name 'National Library,” says project manager Lisanne Viergever of the RVB, which is responsible for the construction of the new book depot.


Maquette: Studio KU+

Client: Koninklijke Bibliotheek (‘Royal Library’), the national library of the Netherlands

Architecture: Office Winhov

Graphic design: Reynoud Homan

Landscape design: H+N+S Landscape Architects


New project on this site: Nijmegen Train Station!


New project on this site: Nijmegen Train Station!

As part of the 'High-Frequency Rail Programme', Nijmegen Station will be extensively renovated and expanded in the coming years.

The station can be regarded as a 'guest' on a lateral moraine – a unique landscape phenomenon. This local topography long formed a natural boundary, but with the westward expansion of the city, the station has now become central. In addition to a significant height difference, the station also has a complex architectural history in which the remains of the original station by C.H. Peters were incorporated by Sybold van Ravesteyn after WWII into a new and monumental station.

We have been commissioned as the architects, and developed this plan together with Arcadis, for the new western entrance in combination with the renewed platform tunnel, entrances, and the extra wooden roofed platform canopy. 





The second season of the lecture series ‘Design-by-thinking-of’ was concluded last Wednesday with the lecture ‘Design-by-thinking-of-dwelling-and-building’ by José Toral of Peris+Toral Architects. A big thank you to him and to the previous lecturers Floris Cornelisse (Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven), An Fonteyne (noAarchitecten), Peter St John (Caruso St John Architects) and Chie Konno (teco).


‘Design-by-thinking-of’ is a series of lectures, by and for architects. It offers a new platform for architects to share their projects and specific thoughts around design. Editorial board: Bergplaats, Moriko Kira Architect, Ard de Vries Architects and Office Winhov.


We are already looking forward to the next season!


Work group Historic BIM is launched!


Work group Historic BIM is launched!

We are proud to team up with design firms Rijnboutt, Bierman Henket, builder Nico de Bont and construction company Duyts Bouwconstructies to develop a new standard for exchanging information in BIM for existing buildings.

(Image: the renovated façade of Frederiksplein 1, photo by Stefan Müller)


Our renovation of Leiden’s City Hall is published in ‘Bauwelt’


Our renovation of Leiden’s City Hall is published in ‘Bauwelt’

With photography by Stefan Müller.


Start construction Residential Tower Opportuna


Start construction Residential Tower Opportuna

The 20-floor building in Blok 6 of the Overtoomse Veld is a part of the densifying plan for the Westelijke Tuinsteden [‘Garden Cities’], an area originally developed in the 1960s in Amsterdam West. The architectural expression of the new building, designed in collaboration with Office Haratori, is inspired by the post-war reconstruction architecture of the surrounding neighbourhood.

This residential tower will house 174 subsidised rentals for starters – small-scale apartments of unique high-quality.


Local Heroes•21: out now!


Local Heroes•21: out now!

Sir Edwin Lutyens by Jan Peter Wingender en Zeno Vogel.

Read Local Heroes •21 here!


Can you make an icon without being iconic?


Can you make an icon without being iconic?

Our transformation for Pillows Maurits at the Park has been nominated for ‘Building of the year’ within the category ‘Identity and Icon Value’. Every vote counts.





From August 2023, Office Winhov has two intern vacancies for a minimum of 10 months. Deadline for application with a printed portfolio is 30 June 2023.

Model by intern Gwenaëlle Polgar


We received 2 nominations for Gouden AAP!


We received 2 nominations for Gouden AAP!

Our transformations of Pillows Grand Boutique Hotel Maurits at the Park (a former anatomy lab) and Frederiksplein 1 (an office building originally designed by Arthur Staal) are two of the ten nominations for the Amsterdam Architecture Prize.

Photos: Stefan Müller


The transformation of a former anatomy lab into a 5-star hotel


The transformation of a former anatomy lab into a 5-star hotel

Ronnie Weessies wrote this article for Architectenweb (Dutch-only).

Photo: Stefan Müller


Thursday 23 March: ‘Seeking the Balance’ lecture by Uri Gilad


Thursday 23 March: ‘Seeking the Balance’ lecture by Uri Gilad

Starts 18:30 at The Berlage in Delft (Netherlands).

Photo: Stefan Müller


Jean Renaudie by Anton Zoetmulder – out again!


Jean Renaudie by Anton Zoetmulder – out again!

Read Local Heroes •16 here.


Jan Peter Wingender begins a new job as supervisor for Pampusbuurt


Jan Peter Wingender begins a new job as supervisor for Pampusbuurt

In the coming years, approx. 5,000 homes will be developed in the Pampusbuurt on Strandeiland (at the IJmeer).


A very welcoming review by 'The Times' whose reporter Ellen Himelfarb stayed at Pillows Grand Boutique Hotel Maurits at the Park


A very welcoming review by 'The Times' whose reporter Ellen Himelfarb stayed at Pillows Grand Boutique Hotel Maurits at the Park

“A real achievement is the creation of a de facto front porch for the hotel, spilling into the park from Spring – its generous terrace and lawn lead straight to the conifer-lined bicycle paths around Oosterpark. Parakeets and magpies visit Pillows’ birdhouses hung from the plane trees towering over the guest rooms. ‘We are adding the hotel to the park,’ says Uri Gilad, the hotel’s architect. ‘Usually, it is the other way around.’ ”

Read the review here.

Photo: Stephan Müller


Editor of 'De Architect' writes about Leiden's City Hall


Editor of 'De Architect' writes about Leiden's City Hall

Merel Pit visited Leiden's City Hall and explains how the project builds with history (not on top of history).
Link to her article in De Architect (Dutch-only)


Construction contract signed for the residential tower at August Allebéplein


Construction contract signed for the residential tower at August Allebéplein

Lieven de Key and Bot Bouw signed the contract for the residential tower at August Allebéplein. Soon housing will be there for 174 young people. Office Haratori and Office Winhov designed this sustainable 20-floor 65-metre residential tower. The design was inspired by the post-war reconstruction architecture of the surrounding neighbourhood. Focusing on forming a community, the tower features a common room on the ground floor and a communal roof terrace.


Podcast series ‘Building(s) with history’.


Podcast series ‘Building(s) with history’.

Dikkie Scipio and Jan Peter Wingender had the honour of kicking off the podcast series by de Architect on ‘Building(s) with history’.

How do you maintain the value of our heritage? “By helping the building into its future,” says Jan Peter.


‘Relationship Therapy for Old and New Construction’ by Jan Peter Wingender


‘Relationship Therapy for Old and New Construction’ by Jan Peter Wingender

In times of sustainability, ‘demolition-new construction’ is increasingly becoming a relic from the era of waste. Transformation and reuse of existing buildings will therefore take off in a big way. Jan Peter Wingender of Office Winhov advocates ‘adaptive reuse’, an approach that goes a step further than the usual monument approach to restoration and conservation. Important premise: doubt is a faithful companion.

This article is adapted from a pre-publication of May Doubt Be Your Trusted Companion. Works on adaptive reuse by Office Winhov 2013–2023.

Image: Museum Alte Pinakothek in München. Restoration by Hans Döllgast.


Construction of urban villas in Amsterdam North begins


Construction of urban villas in Amsterdam North begins

A design for one of the new urban villas in Elzenhagen, Amsterdam North. The building is part of an urban plan for sixteen urban villas in a park landscape which calls for buildings with a sculptural quality. We are doing this by emphasizing the brickwork by using a special bond which is clearly not loadbearing. This bond is the basis for the dimensions of the villa.

Commissioned by AM
Urban planning: Municipality of Amsterdam
Landscape design: Buro Sant en Co
The other buildings are designed by Marcel Lok, Korthtielens and Bedaux de Brouwer
Render: Filippo Bolognese


Jan Peter Wingender and the ‘Heritage Paradox’


Jan Peter Wingender and the ‘Heritage Paradox’

In anticipation of the presentation of the Lieven de Key Penning 2022, Jan Peter Wingender is participating in a discussion about the use of heritage on Wednesday 16 November in the (splendid) Hodshon House in Haarlem. With a series of expert speakers with various perspectives they will discuss the so-called ‘Heritage Paradox’. Organised by ABC Architectuurcentrum Haarlem.


The renovated office building on Frederiksplein 1 in Amsterdam has been nominated for the Geurt Brinkgrave Bokaal 2022


The renovated office building on Frederiksplein 1 in Amsterdam has been nominated for the Geurt Brinkgrave Bokaal 2022

Future-ready: Renovation of a unique inner-city office building.

Photo: Max Hart Nibbrig


We are honoured to receive ARC22 Detail Award for the renovation of Leiden’s City Hall!


We are honoured to receive ARC22 Detail Award for the renovation of Leiden’s City Hall!

It’s all in the detail!

Link to de Architect (NL)

Photo: Stefan Müller


We are happy to be part of ‘The New Honig’ design team


We are happy to be part of ‘The New Honig’ design team

Together with Boeijenjong Architects, Office Winhov will design the redevelopment of the former Honig factory in Nijmegen. We will act as coordinating architect and also design the new extension – with apartment tower overlooking the river Waal.


‘Leiden’s City Hall gets a daring second layer’


‘Leiden’s City Hall gets a daring second layer’





The second season of the lecture series ‘Design-by-thinking-of’ started with a lecture by Floris Cornelisse. A big thank you to him and to the previous lecturers: Job Floris, Dirk Sormers, Donna van Milligen Bielke, Daniel Rosbottom and Saar Meganck.

We are already looking forward to the coming lectures! ‘Design-by-thinking-of’ is a series of lectures, by and for architects. It offers a new platform for architects to share their projects and specific thoughts around design. Editorial board: Bergplaats, Moriko Kira architect, Ard de Vries architecten and Office Winhov.


An insightful read that leads you through the reinvented City Hall of Leiden


An insightful read that leads you through the reinvented City Hall of Leiden

You can read the article From plan libre to platform by Harm Tilman here (NL).


The Amsterdam Amstel Station is nominated for two awards


The Amsterdam Amstel Station is nominated for two awards

We are proud to announce that the renovation and extension of the national monument Amsterdam Amstel Station is nominated for Gulden Feniks (category Renovation) and Architectenweb Awards (Public Building of the Year). 

Photo by Stefan Müller


Renovation of Leiden’s City Hall has a nomination for ARC22 Detail Award


Renovation of Leiden’s City Hall has a nomination for ARC22 Detail Award

"Leiden's City Hall has been surgically restored to a design by Office Winhov. Due to the subtle interventions, it is no longer clear to the visitor where old and new meet. New interventions fit convincingly into existing architecture. The result is an un-Dutch building." –de Architect

Photo by Stefan Müller


The exhibition 'Brick'; 10 September – 8 January


The exhibition 'Brick'; 10 September – 8 January

Office Winhov designed the folly 'Het Sint-Annabolwerk'. The model is on display at the ‘Brick’ exhibition, Kunsthal KAdE in Amersfoort.

The ‘Brick’ exhibition pays tribute to the material with work by more than fifty artists, architects, and designers from home and abroad. In new and existing work, they show the beauty and expressiveness of baked stone. ‘Brick’ can be seen from 10 September, 2022 to 8 January, 2023 in Kunsthal KAdE, the Elleboogkerk and via a tour through Amersfoort with new follies and existing buildings.

Folly designed by Office Winhov; Alma Bouwens and Jan Peter Wingender. Model made by Ila Aarden and Sem Antonio van der Meer.


Transformation of national monument Raadhuisstraat 46–50 in Amsterdam


Transformation of national monument Raadhuisstraat 46–50 in Amsterdam

Raadhuisstraat 46–50 was built in 1906/07 following a rationalist design by architects A.J. Kropholler and J.F. Staal Jr. – two architects who have long been admired and studied by Office Winhov. The left part of the building (#48–50) was ’t Binnenhuis [‘Inside House’], a shop selling interior articles and furniture, with a warehouse, workshop and packing rooms on the upper floors. The right part (#46) had office spaces and a staff residence. The buildings were originally not connected to each other, except for a shared attic fire escape.

The national monument is due for renewal and will also be made more sustainable. The shop will remain on the ground floor and first floor. Office spaces situated on the upper floors will be modernized by Office Winhov – with unique historical elements being restored. In short, the design involves integrating these new office spaces with the larger existing ensemble.

Photo: Max Hart Nibbrig


Bucherer Flagship Store is nominated for the Architecture Prize Kanton Zürich!


Bucherer Flagship Store is nominated for the Architecture Prize Kanton Zürich!

"Architektur Preis Kanton Zürich"

Architecture: Office Haratori and Office Winhov
Photo: Georg Aerni


New dynamic green living & working area on Asterweg: Asterdam!


New dynamic green living & working area on Asterweg: Asterdam!

Office Winhov is designing four new waterfront buildings in Amsterdam-Noord, which will include approximately 5,500 m2 of commercial space and 200 apartments. This collaboration with Delva Landscape Architects will become a striking green public area along the Tolhuis Canal. Two other buildings (Max & Moore) are designed by Mei Architects. Clients: Being Development and COD | development pioneers


Our palazzos are in scaffolds


Our palazzos are in scaffolds

The ensemble of four buildings, inspired by Italian palazzos, borders the new park Somerlust and will overlook the river Amstel. The new ensemble offers space to 59 homes – in the form of maisonettes, apartments, and penthouses.

Housing project Amstelkwartier 6a, Amsterdam is a collaboration with AM (part of BAM).


Frederiksplein 1 is complete!


Frederiksplein 1 is complete!

An office building originally designed by Arthur Staal has been transformed into investment firm Egeria’s Amsterdam headquarters. The office atmosphere of the 1960s served as a source of inspiration for the new interior design.

Located on the top floor topped by Staal’s expressive roof finish, the company restaurant is now a very central quiet spot – complete with large windows, terrace, and view over the square Frederiksplein.

Photo: Max Hart Nibbrig


Leiden’s City Hall is complete!


Leiden’s City Hall is complete!

In 2017 Office Winhov started with the design for the transformation and renovation of the monumental city hall. Since this week it is open to the citizens of Leiden again.

In collaboration with Studio Linse (interior) and H+N+S Landscape Architects (inner courtyard).

Photo: Stefan Müller


Yearbook 'Architecture in the Netherlands'
Time to Talk!


Yearbook 'Architecture in the Netherlands'
Time to Talk!

For 35 years Architecture in the Netherlands has provided an indispensable overview of Dutch architecture for everyone with a professional or more general interest in the subject. The Yearbook is the international showcase for Dutch architecture. The three editors select special projects that have been completed in the preceding year and describe the most important developments that influence Dutch architecture. The Yearbook editors are Teun van den Ende, Uri Gilad and Arna Mackic.

Photo: R. Keus


Office Winhov designs the redevelopment of the famed IBM headquarters


Office Winhov designs the redevelopment of the famed IBM headquarters

The building was completed in 1976 following a design by Wout Ellerman (Lucas & Niemeijer). The former IBM office will become a future-proof office with a rich architectural history. Together with the developer, RED Company, we are aiming for WELL Platinum and BREEAM Outstanding certification for the building.

In the Schinkelkwartier in Amsterdam, RED Company will develop the Think District: a sustainable neighbourhood with space for living, working and nature. The project comprises about 1,100 homes for all target groups and two iconic office buildings in a park-like environment. The architectural firm Powerhouse Company is designing the other new office building. Landscape design by Delva.


We are going to design the new book warehouse for the Royal Library (KB) of the Netherlands!


We are going to design the new book warehouse for the Royal Library (KB) of the Netherlands!

The KB is working together with the Rijksvastgoedbedrijf ['Central Government Real Estate Agency'] on the realisation of an innovative new book warehouse, in which the national library will preserve the printed and written heritage of the Netherlands sustainably and safely for the future. The warehouse is designed by Office Winhov and will be in the Harnaschpolder in the municipality of Midden-Delfland.

Jan Peter Wingender, partner of Office Winhov, says he is honoured to be able to design the new book warehouse for the KB. “We are really looking forward to creating a design that stands the test of time and safeguards the contents of the building. In a contemporary facade, we want to express, among other things, the materiality of paper, the curves of an open book, the relief of printed matter and the mass of the stored books.'


Local Heroes •20: out now!


Local Heroes •20: out now!

“In the course of the interview, it became clear that the quality of Macintosh’s built work is also indivisible from the other defining aspect of her career: her activism.”
–Anna Fawdry


This article forms a chapter in a series formulated to shed greater light on the practices and innovations of leading women architects. The series is the result of the conversations and collective editorial work of a group of female colleagues and friends who want to highlight the work of women heroes who inspire them. While discovering more about the œuvres and design principles of three female architects – Cini Boeri, Margaret Kropholler and Kate Macintosh – we also came to realise our true motivation behind the project was a shared desire for an increased diversity of role models. 


Download the complete issue here.


Design housing in Stadswerven [City Yards] Dordrecht has started


Design housing in Stadswerven [City Yards] Dordrecht has started

De Punt [The Point] is currently being redeveloped at a unique location: near the centre of Dordrecht, across from ‘the three rivers point’ (Europe’s busiest navigable water hub), and on the edge of the large former industrial area Stadswerven (now known as ‘Sub-Area A’).

Here an ensemble of three building blocks will be built, with Office Winhov being responsible for the urban development of the full project and for the design of one of the blocks. This block consists of town houses, apartments, a commercial space, and an inner garden. Jan Peter Wingender was appointed as supervisor for De Punt’s development to ensure cohesion exists between the three blocks. The garden was designed by Diekman Landscape Architects. The client is the development grouping OCW Stadswerven.


Back facade Kalverstraat 48 in the making


Back facade Kalverstraat 48 in the making

A retail space of approximately 1,100 m² will be built on the Kalverstraat on the ground floor, basement and first floor. With a facade that respects the historical proportions. On the parallel street, the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, an inviting office entrance is being created, which leads to the redeveloped upper floors and new office spaces on the second and third floors on the Kalverstraat side.


New line up for the lecture series ‘Design-by-thinking-of’


New line up for the lecture series ‘Design-by-thinking-of’

‘Design-by-thinking-of’ is a series of invitation-only lectures by and for architects. It’s a new platform for architects to share their thoughts, designs and projects. ‘Design-by-thinking-of’ is an initiative of: Bergplaats, Ard de Vries architects, Moriko Kira architect and Office Winhov. Most lectures will be in English.


New brick facade Pillows Hotel Oosterpark visible!


New brick facade Pillows Hotel Oosterpark visible!

The new hotel on Mauritskade in Amsterdam is out of scaffolding – and shows some exciting masonry.


Start construction city hall Den Helder


Start construction city hall Den Helder

Transformation and renovation of monumental buildings at the historical dockyard into a city hall.
Photo: Max Hart Nibbrig


Apply for internship


Apply for internship

From summer 2022 onwards Office Winhov has a vacancy for an internship. Application must include a motivation letter, CV, and portfolio. Please send addressed to Aeliane van den Ende – and inspire us all!


Johan van Hasseltweg 2 E1
1022 WV Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Local Heroes•19: out now!


Local Heroes•19: out now!

Cini Boeri by Anna Tabellini.

Download the complete issue here


Construction Amstelkwartier 6a housing project has started


Construction Amstelkwartier 6a housing project has started

The ensemble of four buildings, inspired by Italian palazzos, borders the new park Somerlust and offers a view over the river Amstel. The new residential building offers space for 59 homes consisting of maisonettes, apartments, and penthouses.


This project is a collaboration with AM (part of BAM).


From Kalverstraat 48 to Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 271 under construction


From Kalverstraat 48 to Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 271 under construction

A retail space of approximately 1,100 m² will be built on the Kalverstraat on the ground floor, basement and first floor. With a facade that respects the historical proportions. On the parallel street, the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal, an inviting office entrance is being created, which leads to the redeveloped upper floors and new office spaces on the second and third floors on the Kalverstraat side.

Photo: Luuk Kramer


Audiotour Amsterdam Amstel Station by Architour


Audiotour Amsterdam Amstel Station by Architour

You will be taken on an exploration journey through art and architecture at Amsterdam Amstel Station. The tour is available (in Dutch) in the browser on smartphone or tablet, no special app needed.

Photo: Stephan Müller


Uri Gilad is new editor for the yearbooks 'Architecture in the Netherlands'


Uri Gilad is new editor for the yearbooks 'Architecture in the Netherlands'

With the departure of Kirsten Hannema after Yearbook 2020 / 2021, a place became available for Uri Gilad in the independent editorial team consisting of Teun van den Ende and Arna Mačkić.

The editors select special projects completed in the past year and describe the most important developments that influence Dutch architecture. The editors are already preparing for the 35th edition, which will be published in May 2022 by nai010 publishers.


Festive opening of Amsterdam Amstel Station on 28 October


Festive opening of Amsterdam Amstel Station on 28 October

“I often compare our job as station architects to gardening. it’s about taking the responsibility to take care of something for a longer period of time, to make step-by-step transformations as opposed to making it a huge project. And this was very unique for us,” says Office Winhov partner Jan Peter Wingender. “And it’s exactly what a building like Amstel Station deserves.”

As of 2021, the project was largely completed, but other interventions will take place in the coming years. The next large phase will involve opening up the station to create a new station hall, and face, to the west towards the Amstel River – while still maintaining the intrinsic unity.

The design for the renovated Amsterdam Amstel Station was provided by Office Winhov in collaboration with Gottlieb Paludan Architects, commissioned by Prorail, NS stations, the municipal transport company GVB and the municipality of Amsterdam.


Bucherer Flagship Store awarded among the ‘Best Buildings of the City of Zürich’


Bucherer Flagship Store awarded among the ‘Best Buildings of the City of Zürich’

The prestigious municipal architecture award of the city of Zürich, ‘Auszeichnung für gute Bauten Stadt Zürich’, is founded in 1942 and is only given away every five years for what is considered Zurich’s “most successful buildings”. The Flagship store Bucherer is among the 12 laureates build between 2016 and 2020. As Mayor Corine Mauch said during the award ceremony: “The buildings impressively present the diversity and high-quality development of Zürich.” 

The flagship store for the Swiss jeweller Bucherer, designed by Office Haratori and Office Winhov, is a renovation of the existing building from 1961. The building heads a small perimeter block on the corner of Bahnhofstrasse and the historic Kuttelgasse. The existing natural stone facade is replaced with a regular facade grid made up of angled marble elements. The recessed surfaces in the facade contain the windows for the upper floor offices. At the corner, the elements develop into bay windows, orientating the building towards the perspective of the Bahnhofstrasse. The plinth, with typical shop windows, is constructed of poured bronze elements with decorative patterning.

For more images, see the project description


Urban Villas in Amsterdam North


Urban Villas in Amsterdam North

Together with Bedaux de Brouwer, Korthtielens and Marcel Lok, Office Winhov works on the design of 14 urban villas in Elzenhagen, Amsterdam North. Commissioned by AM.


Construction National Holocaust Museum has begun


Construction National Holocaust Museum has begun

The construction of the National Holocaust Museum, in the former theatre Hollandsche Schouwburg and the Hervormde Kweekschool [Reformed Nursery School], has begun. At the beginning of September, the first work becomes visible with partial removal and renovation of the facade. Impression: Abstract reconstructions of the facades of the Hervormde Kweekschool and the new entrance building at Plantage Middenlaan, Amsterdam.

Press Release (in Dutch)


Office Winhov is working on the design of a new residential tower at the Europaplein in Maastricht


Office Winhov is working on the design of a new residential tower at the Europaplein in Maastricht

These are several 3D printed variations, with which the first sketches are made. The tower will be experienced in a pleasant way from all sides and from all perspectives. That is why the tower will not have a front, back or side. And in terms of appearance and materials, it will have the elegant and material appearance that belongs to Maastricht.
Client: Ballast Nedam


Sneak peek of the new West Entrance and facade of Nijmegen’s train station (preliminary design).


Sneak peek of the new West Entrance and facade of Nijmegen’s train station (preliminary design).

Commissioned by ProRail and gemeente Nijmegen

In collaboration with Arcadis and Atelier LEK

Render by Nanopixel


Construction on Frederiksplein has begun


Construction on Frederiksplein has begun

After years of overdue maintenance and ad hoc renovations, the former bank building, designed by Arthur Staal, needs restoration and sustainable modernisation.
Photo by Luuk Kramer


Vote for the Bucherer Flagship Store!


Vote for the Bucherer Flagship Store!

Bucherer Flagship Store (designed by Office Haratori and Office Winhov) has been shortlisted for the public prize ‘Best Buildings of the City of Zurich’. Please vote for us before 27 July by clicking on the heart in this link.


A new storefront for Kroonenberg Groep B.V. has been completed on the Kalverstraat in Amsterdam


A new storefront for Kroonenberg Groep B.V. has been completed on the Kalverstraat in Amsterdam

Facade built from solid aluminum by Custom Made Steelproducts B.V. and De Geus Bouw B.V.
Image: Max Hart Nibbrig


It’s been a year since Office Winhov won the Gouden A.A.P. for the Trippenhuis complex…


It’s been a year since Office Winhov won the Gouden A.A.P. for the Trippenhuis complex…

This year’s award ceremony will be broadcasted online from the complex on Friday 28 May 2021 at 16:00. Check out this year’s nominees… And tell us your favourite. 


Nine design teams selected to make iconic city churches more sustainable


Nine design teams selected to make iconic city churches more sustainable

From the 37 teams that responded to the Open Call for making large city churches more sustainable, the jury has selected nine teams of professionals in the fields of design, sustainability and heritage, including team Studio LA, Bob Geldermans (TU Delft) and Office Winhov. They have been invited to participate in the competition 'Sublime Beauty | Sublime Sustainability', issued by de Rijksbouwmeester en de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed in collaboration with nine large city churches. The teams were asked to create a vision of the task, to which three urgent themes were suggested. These themes relate to interior space, energy connections and connection to the environment. In June, the jury will select one team per theme to develop the vision into a design.


Pillows Hotel Oosterpark reaches highest point


Pillows Hotel Oosterpark reaches highest point

The new Pillows Hotel Oosterpark at the Mauritskade in Amsterdam has reached its highest point.

Photography by Wijnanda Duits


Restoration murals Amstel Station


Restoration murals Amstel Station

The restoration of Peter Alma's murals in Amstel Station is in full progress. Each colour area is first dry-cleaned, then a sticker is placed on it so that it is clear which area has already been done.

Restoration by Davique
Photography by Wijnanda Duits


W Hotel in Converted. Reinventing Architecture


W Hotel in Converted. Reinventing Architecture

Converted. Reinventing Architecture, written by Agata Toromanoff, features spectacular conversions on the international architecture scene, accompanied by an insightful text and photographs. The book covers over 60 projects around the world, including the W Hotel in Amsterdam.


Uri Gilad member of Committee for Spatial Quality Amsterdam


Uri Gilad member of Committee for Spatial Quality Amsterdam

As of 1 January 2021, Uri, in addition to his daily work for Office Winhov, will hold the position of architect-member of the Committee on Spatial Quality in Amsterdam. The Committee on Spatial Quality advises the city of Amsterdam on the integral quality of the physical living environment. Three area-oriented subcommittees (Committee 1, 2 and 3) advise on applications for building permits. Uri Gilad is a member of Committee 1, which covers the city center of Amsterdam.


Thank you!


Thank you!

As this unprecedented year comes to an end, we give thanks to our remarkable team, who in spite of 2020’s challenges were resilient and agile. We are proud that despite this demanding year our ongoing projects were successfully delivered and new ones were started. To show our gratitude we asked Myrsini Alexandridi – a former team member at Office Winhov – to make a collage of our most prominent projects in 2020 and then to translate this collage into 25 of her handcrafted ceramic tiles. One tile for each team member. Just as each individual tile constitutes to the whole image, our projects are only made possible through teamwork. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Thank you Myrsini Alexandridi for this beautiful interpretation of our projects from 2020!

We would also like to take this space to thank our clients and those that we had the opportunity to work with this year. We are grateful for these outstanding collaborations. Finally, thank you to our digital network for following, appreciating and sharing our projects. We will be happy to keep you informed next year.

Season’s greetings from the Office Winhov team, and we hope to see you all in good health in 2021!

Image: Myrsini Alexandridi


Development vision for Codricoterrein Rotterdam adopted by the Municipality of Rotterdam


Development vision for Codricoterrein Rotterdam adopted by the Municipality of Rotterdam

Exactly 25 years after the opening of the Erasmus Bridge, Rotterdam is taking another giant leap in its southern district. The construction of the Erasmus Bridge was the first step to connect the two separate city areas via Kop van Zuid. An equally impressive step is now being taken with the redevelopment of the Rijnhaven and Katendrecht. RED Company has presented a spectacular development vision for the Codrico terrain, the last factory in the ‘wrist’ of Katendrecht. The Codrico factory, a site of cultural heritage and a national listed monument, is a significant marker within the Rotterdam harbor. The factory redevelopment is designed by Office Winhov together with Crimson Historians & Urbanists. The development vision is a joined effort from: RED Company, Powerhouse Company, SHoP Architect, DELVA Landscape Architecture / Urbanism, Mecanoo, DVP, George&Harrison, Build in Amsterdam, DLA Piper, Anne van der Zwaag, Mees Ruimte & Milieu BV, Crimson Historians & Urbanists and Office Winhov.


Office Winhov is chosen for transformation and extension Nijmegen railway station


Office Winhov is chosen for transformation and extension Nijmegen railway station

ProRail and the municipality of Nijmegen have appointed Office Winhov as architect for the transformation and western extension of Nijmegen Station. The station has a special topographical location in the moraine with a complex architectural history. The new extension must fit into the landscape and the transformation of the existing architecture must relate to the original monumentality of Cornelis Hendrik Peters and Sybold van Ravesteyn’s designs. Office Winhov is taking care of the design in close collaboration with Arcadis. The Nijmegen Station project is part of the High Frequency Railway Program and will be completed in 2028. Photo: Collectie Spoorwegmuseum


Trippenhuiscomplex Interior of the Year 2020


Trippenhuiscomplex Interior of the Year 2020

The Trippenhuiscomplex has won the award for Interior of the Year at the Architectenweb Awards 2020. 
(Link only in Dutch)


Article residential building SUD in De Architect


Article residential building SUD in De Architect

'New viewpoint on Amsterdam Zuid'
The latest edition of Dutch architecture magazine De Architect contains an article about residential building SUD Amsterdam.

(article only in Dutch)


Trippenhuiscomplex wins Gouden A.A.P. 2020


Trippenhuiscomplex wins Gouden A.A.P. 2020

"The excellent renovation of the Trippenhuiscomplex is spectacularly subtle."

More exciting news! Proud to make public that the Trippenhuiscomplex has won the Amsterdam Architecture Prize 2020.

The Trippenhuis complex has been awarded the 'Gouden A.A.P.' 2020 for the best building in Amsterdam of the past year. The transformation project by Office Winhov, Rijksvastgoedbedrijf and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences received the professional award.

Photography credits: René de Wit


Trippenhuiscomplex and V&D in Yearbook


Trippenhuiscomplex and V&D in Yearbook

We are pleased to announce that both the Trippenhuiscomplex and the former department store Vroom & Dreesmann have been included in the yearbook 'Architectuur in Nederland' 2019/2020.
The book shows a selection of special projects that have been completed in the past year.


Winner Wienerberger Brick Award, Delft City Archive


Winner Wienerberger Brick Award, Delft City Archive

Thrilled and honored to announce that together with Gottlieb Paludan Architects we have won the Wienerberger Brick Award for our project Delft City Archive.

Many thanks to our teams, Adviesbureau Strackee, Spark I.D., Archisupport, Cauberg Huygen and Bouwbedrijf Hegeman, Deppe Backstein-Keramik, De Jong’s Betonbedrijf, Schüco for working with us on this project.


SUD nominated for ARC Detail Award


SUD nominated for ARC Detail Award

Residential building SUD Amsterdam is nominated for the ARC Detail Award 2020 by De Architect

Photocredits: Stefan Müller


Dependance Conservatory in two years on Zuidas


Dependance Conservatory in two years on Zuidas

The Conservatorium of Amsterdam will have an annex in the Beatrixpark on the Zuidas. The City of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam School of the Arts (AHK) have signed an exclusivity agreement and made a preliminary design. The monumental buildings Kapel and Convict in the Beatrixpark will be renovated and transfromed. There will be a public F&B facility on the ground floor of the Conservatoire and small-scale concerts, that are open to the public, will be played throughout the year.


Office Winhov nominated as Architect of the Year


Office Winhov nominated as Architect of the Year

Office Winhov has been nominated as Architect of the Year 2020 by Architectenweb.
To vote, click on 'More Information'


V&D complex nominated for National Steel Award


V&D complex nominated for National Steel Award

The renovation of the former V&D complex in Amsterdam is nominated for the National Steel Award 2020

Photocredits: Stefan Müller


SUD residential building completed


SUD residential building completed

Residential building SUD at Kop Zuidas in Amsterdam is completed. Photography by Stefan Müller.


Domus International Award, haratori office Mathon


Domus International Award, haratori office Mathon

Silver medal International Award Domus Restoration and Conservation: Haratori Office, Mathon by Office Haratori and Office Winhov.


Local Heroes number 18


Local Heroes number 18

Local Heroes #18; Lau Peters. By Menora Tse


Monograph City Halls - De Architect


Monograph City Halls - De Architect

Articles on the city halls Den Helder and Leiden have been published in the online monograph City Halls by De Architect. (only in Dutch)

Photography by René de Wit


Construction GVB Pavilion completed


Construction GVB Pavilion completed

The GVB Pavilion has been realized at Amstel Station Amsterdam. The pavilion at Julianaplein marks the start and end point of GVB's public transport.


Start construction Pillows Hotel


Start construction Pillows Hotel

Start of the construction for the transformation and extension of the new Pillows Hotel Oosterpark in Amsterdam.

Photography: Wijnanda Duits


Local Heroes number 17


Local Heroes number 17

Local Heroes #17; Arthur Staal. By Marcel Lok (ed. Menora Tse)


Nomination Trippenhuiscomplex Amsterdam Architecture Prize


Nomination Trippenhuiscomplex Amsterdam Architecture Prize

Which architectural firm and which client will go home with the coveted Amsterdam Architecture Prize 2020 for the best building of the past year?
The Trippenhuiscomplex made it to the finals.
Read more about the nomination in the supplement of the Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool (article only in Dutch)


Presentation design city hall Den Helder


Presentation design city hall Den Helder

Article on website De Architect about the presentation of the design for the city hall in Den Helder by Office Winhov & Van Hoogevest Architecten.
(Only in Dutch)


Start transformation and renovation Leiden City Hall


Start transformation and renovation Leiden City Hall

Thursday, January 30, the keys of the Leiden City Hall was handed over to the contractor and the demolition of the city hall officially began. Soon after, the renovation and transformation of the monumental city hall starts.


Freilager Albisrieden receives honorable mention


Freilager Albisrieden receives honorable mention

The project Freilager Albisrieden received an honorable mention by the jury of the Architektur Preis Kanton Zürich for its design by Office Haratori with Office Winhov, Rolf Mühlethaler Architekt and Marcel Meili, Markus Peter Architekten.


Nomination City Archive Delft Wienerberger Brick Award 2020


Nomination City Archive Delft Wienerberger Brick Award 2020

The City Archive in Delft is nominated for the bi-annual, international Brick Award by Wienerberger.


Galenkop model at exhibition 'underground'


Galenkop model at exhibition 'underground'

Our Galenkop model is on view till 22 September 2020 at the exhibition 'underground in the city' at the city museum STAM in Ghent, Belgium. The exhibition reveals what is hidden away out of sight, underneath the houses and streets. Photography by PhileDeprez.


Sud reaches highest point


Sud reaches highest point

The Sud residential building at Kop Zuidas in Amsterdam has reached its highest point.

Photography by Wijnanda Duits.


Nomination Paradijshof Rotterdam Architectuurprijs 2019


Nomination Paradijshof Rotterdam Architectuurprijs 2019

Paradijshof – a joint effort between West 8, HP architecten and Office Winhov – is selected for the Rotterdam Architectuurprijs (RAP) 2019 organized by AIR, Architectuur Instituut Rotterdam.
Paradijshof in Rotterdam Nieuw Crooswijk consists of 43 city houses situated around a collective courtyard.
From 47 submissions, the jury selected ten buildings that portray the quality of architecture in Rotterdam. The nominees are eligible for the RAP jury and audience award of 2019. 

Photography by Stefan Müller.


The Trippenhuis in De Architect


The Trippenhuis in De Architect

The September issue of De Architect contains an article about the transformation of Het Trippenhuis. Only in Dutch.


Lecture Jan Peter Wingender Hochschule München


Lecture Jan Peter Wingender Hochschule München

On Thursday, October 17 at 7 p.m. Jan Peter Wingender will give a lecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the Hochschule Münich. The subject of the lecture is 'Facing the City'. The lecture is part of a series with the theme: Here + There.


Transformation former department store V&D completed


Transformation former department store V&D completed

The transformation of the former Vroom & Dreesmann (V&D) department store into offices, retail and arestaurant is completed. 


Transformation Pillows Hotel Oosterpark


Transformation Pillows Hotel Oosterpark

Office Winhov was comissioned by Amerborgh for the transformation and extension of the former laboratorium building, in the Oosterpark in Amsterdam into a hotel. Execution will start in November 2019.


Exhibition Alternative Histories moved to Brussels


Exhibition Alternative Histories moved to Brussels

Following the exhibition of Alternative Histories in London last Spring, the exhibition travelled to Brussels this September.

Could a contemporary architect, with their own references, make a model that would respond to a drawing from the past?
For the Alternative History exhibition, Office Winhov was asked to imagine a collaboration with architects from the past. We use an historic drawing as the seed for a design presented in a physical model. This model is 1 of 85 models exhibited.

Dates: Saturday, September 7, 2019 - Sunday, September 29, 2019
Location: CIVA, Brussels (Belgium)


Bucherer in Hochparterre


Bucherer in Hochparterre

"Opulenta Maxima," is how the Swiss magazine Hochparterre describes the design for the Bucherer flagship store in Zurich.
To be read in the August issue.
Only in German.


National Holocaust Museum in Dutch newspaper Het Parool


National Holocaust Museum in Dutch newspaper Het Parool

'Herinneren, ook bij de tramhalte' - Remember, also at the tram stop
On September 14, an article about the National Holocaust Museum appeared in the weekend edition of the Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool.
Only in Dutch.


Trippenhuis in Het Parool


Trippenhuis in Het Parool

At the end of July The Parool published an article about the transformaton of the Trippenhuis. Attached the online article (written in Dutch).


Trippenhuis in Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant


Trippenhuis in Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant

On Tuesday, August 20 an article about the transformation of the Trippenhuis appeared in the supplement 'V' of Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant. Only in Dutch.


Tower Market hall, Amsterdam


Tower Market hall, Amsterdam

Design proposal (runner up) by Office Winhov for the new tower to replace the original clock tower, demolished around 1980.


Office Winhov chosen for transformation and renovation National Holocaust Museum


Office Winhov chosen for transformation and renovation National Holocaust Museum

Ofice Winhov was chosen by the Jewish Cultural Quarter as the architect for the definitive development of the National Holocaust Museum on the Plantage Middenlaan in Amsterdam. A major renovation will turn the current two locations of the museum, the Hollandsche Schouwburg and the Hervormde Kweekschool into a National Holocaust Museum. The permanent National Holocaust Museum is expected to open its doors in September 2022.


Trippenhuis complex is completed


Trippenhuis complex is completed

The large-scale renovation of the Trippenhuis complex was completed recently. The Trippenhuis was designed by Justus Vingboons and was built between 1660 and 1662 for the brothers Louis and Hendrick Trip. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has been housed there since 1812. The complex has been transformed over the years with various insights. The design of Office Winhov for the new reception area consists of an enfilade of rooms and halls, extending from the historic entrance in the Trippenhuis to the renovated auditorium in the garden at the rear of the complex. In the new part, colors and design motifs from the historic building return in a contemporary manner. The facades on the street side and the courtyard are clad with cast, bronze panels; a reference to the'metal trade' business of the original residents.


Article V&D in newspaper Het Parool


Article V&D in newspaper Het Parool

"What has been sealed in recent years has been opened up again and nuanced, the glass facade shines and splatters like before."
(article only in Dutch)


Lecture Jan Peter Wingender at conference Ziegel Zentrum Süd in Helsinki


Lecture Jan Peter Wingender at conference Ziegel Zentrum Süd in Helsinki

Excursion and conference in Finland from July, Friday 4 to Sunday 7 for professors of architecture and civil engineering from Germany and surrounding areas. On July, Friday 4 at 6:40 PM Jan Peter Wingender will give his lecture: "Brick Dresses and Unspoken Revolutions" at the Aalto University in Helsinki. The lecture is part of a varied program including visits to projects in Helsinki, Jyväskylä and Säynätsalo.


Competition Station Geldermalsen 2nd prize


Competition Station Geldermalsen 2nd prize

The Geldermalsen station is a listed monument. As part of the renovation, a new underground connection between both sides of the station is constucted. Office Winhov presented a proposal for the new entrances to the station in the form of separate canopies above the stairs, lifts and platforms with a prominent skylight as the station's new address.


Renovation Binnenhof


Renovation Binnenhof

The house of parlement and the senate, as well as the Ministry of General Affairs and the office of the Prime Minister of the Netherlands are based in the ‘Binnenhof' in The Hague. The Binnenhof complex is an eight-century-old monument that is continuously 'in operation'. After a period of intensive use, the buildings of the Binnenhof are facing many technical and structural defects. Large-scale renovation is necessary for improved safety measures and better (working) conditions for users and visitors. And to preserve the cultural heritage for the long term.

Office Winhov is one of the architects involved in the renovation of the Binnenhof on behalf of the Central Government Real Estate Agency.


Lecture Jan Peter Wingender at Central Government Real Estate Agency


Lecture Jan Peter Wingender at Central Government Real Estate Agency

On Monday the 29th of April, Jan Peter Wingender gives a lecture about brick architecture at the Central Government Real Estate Agency of The Netherlands. 


Transformation Trippenhuis in de Architect


Transformation Trippenhuis in de Architect

As part of the theme 'Architecture in times of climate change', Harm Tilman of trade journal de Architect writes about the Trippenhuis as an example of a way to 'preserve, reprogram and bring an existing situation to life'.


Opening Bucherer Flagship Store, Zürich


Opening Bucherer Flagship Store, Zürich

Photo: Georg Aerni


Bronze casting for Trippenhuis complex


Bronze casting for Trippenhuis complex

Both the façade of the Trippenhuis complex and one of the outer walls adjoining the courtyard have recently been cast in bronze. On the video you can see how craftsmen of Royal Eijsbouts cast a mold intended for the two bronze panels of the complex. Office Winhov has opted for bronze to create more unity with the adjacent historic building on the Kloveniersburgwal 29. Both parts are owned by the Central Government Real Estate Agency and house the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Office Winhov is in charge of the transformation and renovation of the reception and public rooms, as well as the long-term vision for the restoration of the historic complex. HOEK architecture & preservation is responsible for the renovation of Kloveniersburgwal 29.


We have moved to our new location


We have moved to our new location

As of February 1st we moved to our beautiful new office at:
Johan van Hasseltweg 2 E1
1022WV Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Residential tower August Allebéplein


Residential tower August Allebéplein

Office Winhov is responsible for the design of a 65m high residential tower at the August Allebéplein in Amsterdam Nieuw-West by client de Key. The tower comprises 174 social housing apartments and is part of a new building block.


Exhibition Alternative Histories opening March 23 in London


Exhibition Alternative Histories opening March 23 in London

For the Alternative History exhibition we were asked to imagine a collaboration with architects from the past. We use an historic drawing as the seed for a design presented in a physical model. Generating a kind of alternative history of the original project, rooted both in the past and in the present. The exhibition of all the models and drawings will be organized in London, under the aegis of the Architecture Foundation. Veldwerk Architecten, Ellis Woodman of the Architecture Foundation and Niall Hobhouse of Drawing Matter work together in the organization of the Alternative History exhibition project.

March 23 - April 14
Cork Street, Mayfair, London


Southern block Ada Amstelkwartier completed


Southern block Ada Amstelkwartier completed

In the green and spatial Amstelkwartier in Amsterdam 130 rental apartments will be realized according to the design by Office Winhov. The southern block has just been completed. The next phase of the realization concerns the northern block. It is expected to be delivered in the summer of 2019.


Commission block 6a Amstelkwartier


Commission block 6a Amstelkwartier

Office Winhov has been selected for the design of block 6a at the Amstelkwartier Amsterdam. The residential block of more than 7000 m2 will be located directly at the Amstel and will be developed by real estate developer AM.


World Architecture Magazine, ‘Non-Super Dutch’ editie


World Architecture Magazine, ‘Non-Super Dutch’ editie

WA invited Kees Kaan to be the guest editor. An overview of the state of current Dutch architecture is given in this issue. Our student housing project in Eindhoven is featured. Independent writers Ruud Brouwers, Kirsten Hannema and Zhang Yang contribute in presenting the trends through theoretic articles. Hannema quotes Jan Peter Wingender about Office Winhov’s work in her article about the ‘New Dutch’ movement.


Construction housing Paradijshof completed


Construction housing Paradijshof completed

The construction of the housing at Paradijshof Rotterdam is completed. Together with HP Architecten we designed 43 houses. Client is Woonstad Rotterdam.


New bicycle garage Amstelstation in Amsterdam close to completion


New bicycle garage Amstelstation in Amsterdam close to completion

Photography by Wijnanda Duits.


Willemspoort nominated for Reynaers Project Prize 2018


Willemspoort nominated for Reynaers Project Prize 2018

Our project Willemspoort Den Bosch (Jeroen Bosch Park) has been nominated for the Reynaers Project Prize 2018. From November 26th you can cast your vote on www.projectprijs.reynaers.nl.


Jan Peter Wingender chairman in jury Geurt Brinkgreve Bokaal


Jan Peter Wingender chairman in jury Geurt Brinkgreve Bokaal

Jan Peter Wingender presents, together with Marjolein Cazemier (Ymere) and Joosje van Geest (architectural historian), the Geurt Brinkgreve Bokaal to the winner on December 13th. The prize is awarded to the best transformation project in Amsterdam of 2018 and is organized by the municipality of Amsterdam.


Lecture Uri Gilad at Architecture Center Zwolle


Lecture Uri Gilad at Architecture Center Zwolle

On Tuesday, November 13th, Stichting ZAP organizes a lecture in the Stadkamer Zwolle about the transformation of two monumental buildings; the Government Office for Transactions and Telephony into a five star hotel with 176 rooms and the former V&D complex. Both located in the center of Amsterdam. Uri Gilad will tell about the design process, ambition, methodology, and the construction.


Jan Peter Wingender in jury Deutscher Ziegelpreis


Jan Peter Wingender in jury Deutscher Ziegelpreis

The ceremony of this award for brick architecture will take place in the spring of 2019.


Honorable mention Prix Lignum


Honorable mention Prix Lignum

Haratori Office Mathon receives an honorable mention in the Swiss Prix Lignum prize, which is awarded every three years.


Bonding Brick 3 Symposium Aarhus


Bonding Brick 3 Symposium Aarhus

On the 19th of September a symposium on tendencies in contemporary brick architecture is held by Aarhus School of Architecture. Jan Peter Wingender is one of the speakers. How does the current mode of construction influence the appearance of brick architecture and the architect’s aesthetic conceptions for it? On the other hand, how do aesthetic conceptions about brick architecture influence the way in which we conceive it’s construction? These tectonic considerations will be at the heart of the symposium. The Symposium is organized by PhD fellow Udo Garritzmann and Professor Thomas Bo Jensen.


Modulor Magazine, ‘New Dutch’ issue


Modulor Magazine, ‘New Dutch’ issue

In this issue of the Swiss magazine, Kirsten Hannema explores the vision of a number of Dutch offices that work in the same tradition and are classified under the New Dutch movement. Office Winhov is discussed as one of these offices. Editor: Marko Sauer.


Lecture at Zecc


Lecture at Zecc

On the 27th of July, Uri Gilad will lecture at Zecc. Two transformation projects will be discussed: the W Hotel and the former V&D in Amsterdam. A few times a year, Zecc organizes a lecture evening in her studio at the Werkspoorkathedraal in Utrecht. These informal lectures are about connecting and inspiring. Send an email to info@zecc.nl if you want to attend the lecture.


The art of bronze casting


The art of bronze casting

Photo by David Andermatt.


Jan Peter Wingender chairman in jury


Jan Peter Wingender chairman in jury

‘The Young Talent Award is presented annually to a promising young architect under the age of 35.’ Jan Peter Wingender is this year’s chairman in the jury of the Young Talent Award, part of the ARC18 Awards.


Start construction SUD


Start construction SUD

In the area Kop Zuidas in Amsterdam the construction of residential building Sud has started. Along the square the building presents itself with shops and workspaces on ground floor and 45 comfortable apartments above. The façade resonates with the monumental brickwork of the Plan Zuid by Berlage and is characterized by careful use of brick patterns and expressive bay windows with loggias.


Uri Gilad part of jury


Uri Gilad part of jury

'Which architect, or collective of architects, really helped the architectural profession this year?' Uri Gilad, together with Koen van Velsen, Martijn Dirks and Kirsten Hannema, forms the jury of the Architect of the Year Award. 


Detail magazine, ‘Studentenwohnheim in Eindhoven’


Detail magazine, ‘Studentenwohnheim in Eindhoven’

The article in the June edition of Detail magazine focuses on the prefab façade of the student housing project in Eindhoven, which we designed together with office haratori.


'Facade as a brick dress'


'Facade as a brick dress'

Koen Mulder writes an extensive article about the City Archive in Delft in the June edition of de Architect. The article focuses on the design and technique behind the brick facade.


Lecture PBSA


Lecture PBSA

On July 5th, Uri Gilad gives a lecture at the Peter Behrens School of Art in Düsseldorf. The lecture is part of the Compact Urban Housing series.


Lecture Jean Renaudie


Lecture Jean Renaudie

On June the 20th, Anton Zoetmulder gives a lecture at our office about his Local Hero: Jean Renaudie. Sign up by sending an email to ramp@winhov.nl. Follow our LinkedIn group for more Local Heroes news: Local Heroes - Office Winhov.


One Lecture: Amstelstation


One Lecture: Amstelstation

During the One Lecture on the 31st of May at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam, Ton Schaap, Miguel Loos and Jan Peter Wingender tell about the transformation of the monumental Amstelstation.


Guided tour through former V&D


Guided tour through former V&D

On May 18th, Inez Tan takes a group of students from the VU University through the construction site of the former V&D in Amsterdam. The visit is organized as part of a course on transformation within the Master Heritage Studies. The purpose of the tour is to get an interesting discussion going about the transformation of monumental buildings.


Start construction north side Amstelstation


Start construction north side Amstelstation


Staalmanplein in fifth edition of Floor Plan Manual on Housing


Staalmanplein in fifth edition of Floor Plan Manual on Housing


Model on display


Model on display

From the 1st of May till the 1st of July 2018, our model of the W Hotel Amsterdam will be shown at ARCAM. It is part of the exhibition 'Modellenbureau ARCAM', which will be officially opened on the 23rd of February.


Transformation Koopmans building


Transformation Koopmans building

Demolition work is currently taking place in the Koopmans building on the campus of Tilburg University. After the transformation, the building will be the new home of the faculties of Economics and Humanistics. The design was made in collaboration with Studio Linse and Bedaux de Brouwer Architects.


Local Heroes number 16


Local Heroes number 16

Local Heroes #16; Jean Renaudie. By Anton Zoetmulder (ed. Fenny Ramp)


City Archive Delft nominated for BNA Best Building of the Year 2018


City Archive Delft nominated for BNA Best Building of the Year 2018

We are proud to announce our nomination for BNA Best Building of the Year 2018. The new home of the archive, designed in collaboration with Gottlieb Paludan Architects (DK), is nominated in the category Identity & Iconic value. More information about the award >


‘Background architecture’


‘Background architecture’

Jan Peter Wingender reviews the publication 'Street Architecture. Work by Hans van der Heijden' in de Architect of March 2018.


Lecture at Gevel conference 2018


Lecture at Gevel conference 2018

During the Gevel 2018 conference, which takes place from the 23rd till the 25th of January in Ahoy Rotterdam, Jan Peter Wingender speaks about tectonics in brick architecture and about the research on almost energy-neutral brick buildings (Brick-BENG). 


Bus canopies for the Amsterdam Amstel Station completed


Bus canopies for the Amsterdam Amstel Station completed

The canopies are the first completed part in the renovation and extension of the listed monument.


A green courtyard for the city hall of Leiden


A green courtyard for the city hall of Leiden

The municipality of Leiden has accepted our concept design for the renovation of the city hall. An important part in the design is the transformation of the now closed-off atrium into and open air lush garden to enhance the original building typology and create an inspiring environment for work and exchange.

More information >


Apartments Sud Amsterdam online


Apartments Sud Amsterdam online

The 45 apartments on the Kop Zuidas are now online. The floor plans of the apartments are arranged with characteristic rooms enabling a variety of ways of living. The panoramic windows contribute significantly to the quality of living at this remarkable place in the city.



Shortlist Wienerberger Brick Award 2018


Shortlist Wienerberger Brick Award 2018

Jan Peter Wingender is part of the panel that nominates 50 projects out of the nearly 600 projects submitted to the Wienerberger Brick Award 2018. The winners will be announced during the ceremony in May 2018.


Paradijshof reaches its highest point


Paradijshof reaches its highest point

Thursday 9th of November we are celebrating that the construction of Paradijshof in Rotterdam reaches its highest point. Here Office Winhov designed43 apartments in collaboration with HP Architecten.


Dolls’ House exhibition


Dolls’ House exhibition

This summer, a traveling exhibition started with architectural dollhouses for children with severe energy metabolism diseases. The initiative comes from architect Peter Masselink, whose son suffers from this condition. We also participated in this project. A series of exhibitions of eighteen designs throughout The Netherlands during 2017 is to be concluded by an auction of the dolls' houses, where all proceeds will be donated to scientific research on the diseases. The Dolls’ House exhibition will be displayed in ARCAM from the 4th of November till the 9th of December.


Transformation of the Amsterdam Museum


Transformation of the Amsterdam Museum

The Amsterdam Museum and the Municipality of Amsterdam have selected five architectural offices and collaborations for research on the tranformation of the complex. We are proud to be part of this. The challenge is to modernize the historic complex. The selected parties are Cruz y Ortiz Amsterdam, Felix Claus Dick van Wageningen Architecten, Neutelings Riedijk Architecten and the collaborations AL_A /NEXT/1meter98 and Office Winhov/Inbo.


KNB Masterclass Brickwork


KNB Masterclass Brickwork

How do you design and realize brickwork that will preserve it’s strength and beauty over time? That is the core question of the 15th edition of the KNB MasterClass Brick for architects. Jan Peter Wingender, Bart van Kampen (DeZwarteHond) and Marlies Rohmer (Marlies Rohmer Architects & Urbanists), share their knowledge and experience of this material. Each architect in terms of his or her own vision, design standpoint and routine.


City Archive Delft open


City Archive Delft open

The new building for the Delft City Archive is officially opened on September the 7th. Office Winhov and Gottlieb Paludan Architects won the European tender for the new building in April 2014. The new location includes various depots, offices, workspaces and a public reading room.

Image below: the Mayor of Delft and visual artist Amie Dicke are looking at a treasure from the Archive; the birth registration of the painter Johannes Vermeer.


Alpine Loft Mathon published in Hochparterre


Alpine Loft Mathon published in Hochparterre


Zölly wins


Zölly wins

Zölly residential tower winner BETONSUISSE Architekturpreis 2017


City Archive Delft nominated


City Archive Delft nominated

Office Winhov, in collaboration with Gottlieb Paludan Architects (DK), is nominated with Delft's recently completed city archive. 


Zeeburgereiland Block 30 is completed


Zeeburgereiland Block 30 is completed

The island will be transformed from an industrial area into a densely populated urban area in the coming years. Block 30 forms the corner of a facade wall along the IJburglaan, which is the central access road across the island. The building contains 64 social housing apartments.


Post Piraeus


Post Piraeus

On the 5th of July eleven architects reflect on the Piraeus building by Hans Kollhoff. 23 years after its completion, the influence of this building on the city, the culture of building and the influence on their own work are discussed. A special issue of 'de Architect' magazine on the subject is launched. Initiative: Hans van der Heijden, Alexander Pols, Jan Peter Wingender. 


Local Heroes number 15


Local Heroes number 15

Local Hero #15; Jan Leupen. By Bernard Leupen (ed. Fenny Ramp)


Start of construction former V&D complex


Start of construction former V&D complex

The transformation of the former V&D complex in the center of Amsterdam has started. The original qualities of the monumental complex are going to be brought back in contemporary form.

More information 


European tender for Leiden City Hall


European tender for Leiden City Hall

Office Winhov in collaboration with Studio Linse has been selected as the winner of the competition for the renovation of Leiden city hall. The city hall was designed by C.J. Blaauw in the 1930's and is a listed monument. The building needs to be adapted to the increasing demands in terms of sustainability and a variety of changes are required in order for the building to fit to the new working methods of the municipal organization. The renewed city hall will be opened in 2020.


W Hotel Bank nominated for the NRP Gulden Feniks


W Hotel Bank nominated for the NRP Gulden Feniks

It has been announced that the W Hotel Bank is nominated for the NRP Gulden Feniks in the category ‘Transformation’. Along with our client Europe Hotels | Private Collection, we feel honoured to be nominated.


Start of construction Het Paradijshof


Start of construction Het Paradijshof

The construction of Het Paradijshof in Nieuw Crooswijk Rotterdam will begin soon. 45 apartments will be built that we designed in collaboration with HP Architecten. On Tuesday 9th of May the first brick will be layed.
For more information about The Paradijshof >


Winhov + 'Learning from city hotels' & W-Hotel in de Architect


Winhov + 'Learning from city hotels' & W-Hotel in de Architect


TU/e Student Housing in werk, bauen + wohnen


TU/e Student Housing in werk, bauen + wohnen


Local Heroes News


Local Heroes News

It is with great pleasure that we can inform you about the continuation of 'Local Heroes'. After the death of Joost Hovenier, the driving force behind the project, it’s been quiet for a while but this spring we will make a dynamic start. Through the new group ‘Local Heroes – Office Winhov’ on LinkedIn we will keep you informed about new publications, lectures and excursions. 


'The Story of a Bank that Became a Spa'


'The Story of a Bank that Became a Spa'

This publication explores the metamorphosis of the underground vault in the former Kasbank into a sumptuous spa.
Publisher: Design Story Publishing


Selected for the renovation of the Koopmans building


Selected for the renovation of the Koopmans building

Office Winhov in collaboration with Bedaux de Brouwer Architects and Studio Linse is selected to renovate the Koopmans building on the campus of the University of Tilburg. The building will be renovated in order to house the faculties of Economics, Literature and Theology as of the start of the academic year 2019–2020.


Selected for proposal historic town hall in Leiden


Selected for proposal historic town hall in Leiden

The town hall in Leiden will be renovated in the coming years in order to make the historic building better fit for administrative and official affairs. Office Winhov, in association with Studio Linse, Bierman Henket architects and cepezed have been invited to submit proposals for the renovation.


Transformation of the former V&D retail complex, Amsterdam


Transformation of the former V&D retail complex, Amsterdam

Office Winhov is commissioned to renovate and transform the former complex of Vroom & Dreesman on the Rokin and Kalverstraat in the center of Amsterdam. The complex will be transformed whilst respecting the original twentieth century ensemble designed by Caron and Kuyt.


Publication Haratori Office Mathon


Publication Haratori Office Mathon

This publication appeares following a collaboration between Office Haratori and Office Winhov, that transformed a former hay barn in Graubünden Switzerland into an alpine loft. Design: Dino Simonett, Switzerland.


Publication Freilager Zürich


Publication Freilager Zürich

Following the transformation of the former Zollfreilager-Areal in Zürich into a new urban residential neighbourhood an impressive publication is released. (Text: German)

Publisher Park Books, commissioned by Zürcher Freilager AG


Nomination Uri Gilad


Nomination Uri Gilad

We are very proud to announce the nomination for the Abe Bonnema Prize for Young Architects 2016. 


Freilager in Hochparterre


Freilager in Hochparterre


First prize Geurt Brinkgreve Bokaal 2016


First prize Geurt Brinkgreve Bokaal 2016

We are pleased to announce that Office Winhov has won the Geurt Brinkgreve Bokaal 2016. The W Hotel Bank was named best project of 2016 in the field of transformation and renovation by the municipality of Amsterdam. The award also honours our client Europe Hotels | Private Collection.


On site


On site

The mock-up of facade elements for the Bucherer Flagshipstore is installed on site.


De Architect, October 2016


De Architect, October 2016

The Dutch architectural magazine De Architect publishes our new student accommodation project at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in a special issue on recent developments in Dutch residential architecture.


Office Winhov wins ARC16 Oeuvre Award


Office Winhov wins ARC16 Oeuvre Award

Office Winhov is the proud winner of the ARC16 Oeuvre Award. Our office was praised by the jury for our ability to translate social developments into interventions in the daily environment. An increasing number of our buildings illustrate a strong feeling for location and atmosphere. According to the jury, Office Winhov inspires the future generation of architects and designers.


Cast in concrete


Cast in concrete

The entrance for the Delft Archive arrived on site.


First inhabitants


First inhabitants

The first inhabitants of Office Winhov's recent student housing project at the Eindhoven Univerisity of Technology have moved into their rooms


WerkBundStadt Voting


WerkBundStadt Voting

Our housing proposal has been accepted by the WerkbundStadt Berlin. The plans will be presented in September, the construction of the new quarter along the Spree is due to start start in 2018. More information >


The best of the province of North Holland


The best of the province of North Holland

We are proud to announce that the W hotel Amsterdam has been nominated for the Arie Keppler Prize 2016. More information >


European tender for Amsterdam Amstel Station


European tender for Amsterdam Amstel Station

Office Winhov in collaboration with Gottlieb Paludan Architects has won the European tender for the third largest train station in Amsterdam. The team will act as ‘station architect’ and will design and guide the renovation and extension of the station in the upcoming years. Amsterdam Amstel Station (1939) is a listed monument. The station was designed by architects H.G.J. Schelling (Dutch Railways) and J. Leupen (Amsterdam municipality).


Competition Havenlaan Brussels


Competition Havenlaan Brussels

The team Office Winhov/Trans Architecture is selected for the design competition for a residential development (28.500 m2) on the Havenlaan in Brussels.


Volume #48 The Research Turn


Volume #48 The Research Turn

Interview with Jan Peter Wingender: 'What follows is an issue comprised entirely of dialogues - a first for Volume - whose character ranges interviews to conversations. We wanted to learn from individuals whose stories and experiences we understood as being instrumental in shaping the contemporary field of creative knowledge production.'





Ceremony for the ground breaking of the new city archive of Delft. A time capsule is integrated within the foundations of the new building.


Year book 2015-16


Year book 2015-16

We are honored by the publication of two of W Hotel Amsterdam and care center Maisbaai in the new Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands, 2015-2016. Beside the projects, two of our publications, ‘Local heroes’ and ‘Brick an exacting material’, are mentioned in the essay of Kirsten Hannema.


Werkbund Stadt Berlin 2016


Werkbund Stadt Berlin 2016

Upon invitation by architect and professor Paul Kahlfeldt, we have started the design for our contribution to the Werkbund Stadt Berlin 2016. Other participants include Uwe Schröder, Max Dudler, Kleihues + Kleihues, Hans van der Heijden, Hild und K, Hans Kollhoff, Caruso St John, Rapp & Rapp and jessenvollenweider. More information >


Joost Hovenier, 1963-2016


Joost Hovenier, 1963-2016

Our beloved friend and partner, Joost Hovenier, passed away on March 12, 2016. We feel a deep void of Joost's absence. His time came too soon. Joost was a passionate architect, who united precision with curiosity and exploration and a savant man, who paved his way in architecture. We will build on what he left behind for us.


Silver medal at ’The most beautiful book of the world’


Silver medal at ’The most beautiful book of the world’

Brick, An Exacting Material wins the silver medal in ’The most beautiful book of the world’ competition in Leipzig. ‘Ein anspruchsvolles Thema, eine anspruchsvolle Gestaltung, ein anspruchsvolles Buch’.


Selected for 'Best Book Design'


Selected for 'Best Book Design'

Brick, An Exacting Material is selected for The Best Dutch and Flemish Book Designs 2015. More information >


The X BANK opens its doors to the public


The X BANK opens its doors to the public

X BANK makes its debut in the iconic former Kas Bank building on the Spuistraat as part of the W Hotel Amsterdam. It will present a comprehensive collection of mainly Dutch fashion, art and design.


Local Heroes number 14


Local Heroes number 14

Local Hero 14; Gillespie, Kidd & Coia, Glasgow. By R.S Proudley & D.M Meijerink


European tender Trippenhuis complex


European tender Trippenhuis complex

Office Winhov together with HOEK architecture & preservation won the European tender for the famous Trippenhuis complex. The Amsterdam complex is the seat of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and owned by the Central Government Real Estate Agency (RVB). The project involves the design and transformation of the entree, the foyers and related public areas of the KNAW. In addition, a long term plan for the restoration of this monumental complex is asked for.


Brick, An Exacting Material


Brick, An Exacting Material

The book edited by Jan Peter Wingender offers a colourful palette of insights and inspiration for the use of brick in contemporary architecture. The book is a collection of essays by diverse authors around three themes: 'Facing the City', 'Tectonics of Cladding' en 'Brick Dresses'. Many previous unpublished drawings and photos accompany the essays. The graphic design is by Joost Grootens. The book can be ordered at Architectura and Natura Press >


Building a polderroad


Building a polderroad

Ground breaking for the first house at Oosterwold Almere


City model of Zürich


City model of Zürich

Commissioned by the city of  Zürich, Office Winhov, Office Haratori and Lorenz Eugster are researching the possibilities of urban densification of Seebach.


WINHOV + Learning from City Hotels


WINHOV + Learning from City Hotels

Winhov+ is our platform to share our methodology, reflections and fascinations which underpin the fundamentals of our architectural design to those who participate in the design of our daily life. This issue of Winhov+ will focus on the phenomenon of City Hotels and shows tour interest in the recent developments in the field of new hotel concepts in Amsterdam. Furthermore the issue is a continuation of the exhibition ‘City Hotels’ that was at display at the architecture institute ARCAM last spring 2015. Download Learning from City Hotel (Dutch) >


W Hotel Amsterdam opened


W Hotel Amsterdam opened

On thursday the 22nd of October, the W hotel Amsterdam opened its doors to the public.


Jan Peter Wingender takes a stand


Jan Peter Wingender takes a stand

Together with Floris Cornelisse, Job Floris and Hans van der Heijden, Jan Peter Wingender has taken a stand for a necessary renewal from within the discipline of architecture itself. In de October issue of the Dutch architectural magazine ‘De Architect’ the editor Harm Tilman interviewed the four architects and wrote about their search for alternatives that the present architecture can offer. 
de Architect > 


1st Prize competition for the flagship store of Bucherer in Zürich


1st Prize competition for the flagship store of Bucherer in Zürich

Office Haratori and Office Winhov have been announced as the winner of the design competition for the new flagship store of the jeweller Bucherer, a 127-year-old family company, on the prestigious Bahnhofstrasse in Zürich. The project involves the renovation of the existing building from 1961 and the design of the new facade.


BREEAM very good certificate for W Hotel


BREEAM very good certificate for W Hotel

W Hotel Amsterdam is the first monumental building in the Netherlands to receive the sustainable BREEAM very good certificate. The certificate was given to the team Office Winhov, DPA  Cauberg-Huygen , C2N and SPARK Intelligent Design in a ceremonial event during the symposium of the Dutch Green Building Counsel.  The transformation and renovation of this historical monument into a 5 star hotel was done by Office Winhov and the interiors by BK architecture.


Building upon Building


Building upon Building

The Forum publication ‘building upon building’ presents a collection of dialogues between contemporary European architects and the past through their designs of imaginary extensions for existing buildings. Office Winhov is participating in the publication with the article ‘Celebrating the architecture of the banal', an intervention in Le Havre, France.

Building Upon Building
AetA 160 - FORUM Magazine
Edited by Jantje Engels and Marius Grootveld.


Werkbundstadt Berlin, theme sustainability


Werkbundstadt Berlin, theme sustainability

Office Winhov is participating in the WerkbundStadt Berlin 2016. The urban plan for the site in Berlin-Charlottenburg and the design for the buildings will be presented in September 2016. Photo: Stefan Müller


Students housing TU Eindhoven


Students housing TU Eindhoven

Load bearing elements at the factory. The first elements have been transported from the factory to the building site.


Tobias Wootton


Tobias Wootton

A photo of a mock up of Office haratori & Office winhov is part of the presentation 'Mockups' by the English photographer Tobias Wootton (1981). By isolating mockups form their original, spatial and architectural function Wootton presents them as found objects and by doing so enhance their abstract and visual character. The photographer has printed several mockups in the format of an advertising poster. The posters are exhibited on the facade of the F + F Schule für Kunst und Design in Zürich. 'Mockups' is part of the manifestation Art Altstetten Albisrieden and can be visited until 13 September 2015. Address: Flurstrasse 89, Zürich


The Duchess restaurant is open


The Duchess restaurant is open

The Duchess restaurant in the former KAS Bank Amsterdam is officially open. The monumental building was transformed and restored into the new W Hotel Amsterdam by Office Winhov with interior by BK.


The Big Leisure Congress


The Big Leisure Congress

On Thursday June 18 Architectenweb organized the Big Leisure Congress in Dordrecht. The congress focused on the design and concept behind hotels, sport facilities and cultural buildings in the Netherlands. Office Winhov contributed with a lecture on City Hotels, which focused on the transformation of monumental buildings in Amsterdam into hotels and the role that these hotels take in the development of the city. The lecture was based on a recent study on City Hotels by Office Winhov. More information > Architectenweb (NL)


Local Heroes 12


Local Heroes 12

Local Hero 12; Heinz Bienefeld, Cologne. By Peter Meijer

photo: Heinz Bienefeld, Tabernakel in der Kirche St. Bonifatius © Lucas Roth


Ground broken


Ground broken

Construction has started for 300 student apartments at the campus of the University of Technology Eindhoven





New assignment for 23 houses in the Pardijshof, Nieuwe Crooswijk Rotterdam





We have started the design of 3 buildings with 75 dwellings in Jeroen Bosch Park, Den Bosch


Forum Learning From City Hotels


Forum Learning From City Hotels

ARCAM, the municipality of Amsterdam and Office Winhov have organised a discussion entitled Learning From City Hotels. The event organised to mark the end of the exhibition of the research project 'City Hotels', will focus on insights into the project and its outcomes and will feature commentary by René van Schie, Paul Rosenberg and Jeroen Schilt, Jan Peter Wingender and Engin Celikbas. More information > ARCAM


HSLU campus in Horw, Luzern Switzerland


HSLU campus in Horw, Luzern Switzerland

The team of Office Haratori, Office Winhov and Territioria is selected for the testplanning phase of the HSLU campus in Horw, Luzern. The assignment is to develop a masterplan for the campus and the renovation and extension of the existing buildings of the Architecture and Technique department.


Werk, bauen + wohnen


Werk, bauen + wohnen

In the interview Stumbling Block, three architects, experienced in the use of brickwork, discuss the pros and cons of the material, its possibilities and renaissances and talk about the direction in which this material and the way we use it could develop. Matthias Kohler, Charles Pictet and Jan Peter Wingender in discussion with Tibor Joanelly and Ronald Züger.


First inhabitants


First inhabitants

First inhabitants move into our recently finished care complex Maaisbaai with 27 apartments, 3 care groups for the elderly and a care building


Opening exhibition City Hotels


Opening exhibition City Hotels

'City Hotels’ is an exhibition by Office Winhov and Arcam over fifteen distinctive or monumental buildings in amsterdam that have been transformed into hotels.  In recent years a wide variety of building types including former schools, banks and offices have been converted into hotels with features that have been made accessible not only to guests but to the people of Amsterdam. Opening on saturday, January 17th at 15.30.
More information > ARCAM


Demolition has begun


Demolition has begun

Demolition has begun on the site for the construction of the new project in Den Helder. The project will redevelop a prominent corner site in the city with a series of buildings containing 15 apartments and 6 single family houses.


Silbernen Hasen


Silbernen Hasen

The residential tower Zölly has been awarded the Silbernen Hasen; the Swiss architecture prize by Hochparterre.


W Amsterdam in the Kas Bank


W Amsterdam in the Kas Bank

W Amsterdam which is under construction in the former Telephone Exchange on Dam Square, will be expanded with the adjacent former KAS Bank building. This National Monument is being restored and transformed by Office Winhov and BK Architecture.
More information at Starwood media centre >





The 1:1 mock-up of our housing project at Freilager Albisrieden Zurich has been completed
Webcam > 


Office Winhov wins the Arie Keppler Prize 2014


Office Winhov wins the Arie Keppler Prize 2014

The project Bloesemplein in Zuidoostbeemster, Netherlands was awarded first prize in the Residential category.


Dirty hands


Dirty hands

Clay plaster Workshop for office haratori at the Alpine loft Mathon, Switzerland


Shops and residential complex in Oss completed


Shops and residential complex in Oss completed

Our shops and residential complex in Oss has been completed. The project is designed by Wingender Hovenier Architecten with Van Santvoort


Amstelkwartier Amsterdam


Amstelkwartier Amsterdam

The first phase of Block 3A is completed of the residential building, day care centre by Office Winhov and Montessori school De Amstel by Liag.


Residential Tower Zölly in Werk, Bauen + Wohnen


Residential Tower Zölly in Werk, Bauen + Wohnen

The facade of the Residential Tower Zölly is published in the latest edition of Werk, Bauen + Wohnen


Architects' Table Football Tournament


Architects' Table Football Tournament

On June 12th Office Winhov and Weber Beamix hosted the First Amsterdam Architects’ Table Football Tournament. Our colleagues of Studio Nine Dots are the winners of this first edition. We're already looking forward till next time. 


Raid Arctique 2014


Raid Arctique 2014

Joost Hovenier is co-organizer of the Raid Arctique 2014, a journey of 3400km in classic Citroëns CX from the arctic circle to Paris. The Citroën CX was designed by the architect and car designer Robert Opron in 1974. Forty years after the press presentation of the CX in Lapland, the Raid Arctique 2014 will follow the exact route of the historic Raid Arctique in 1974. The prologue is at August 26th in Kiruna, Sweden. For more information about sponsoring or participating please contact hovenier@winhov.nl.


Highest point


Highest point

Construction has reached it's highest point of our residential and care buildings in Maisbaai Middelburg


Yearbook 2013/2014 is available!


Yearbook 2013/2014 is available!

Our project a Private house on Rieteiland Amsterdam is published in Architecture in the Netherlands Yearbook 2013/2014. The yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands is the international business card for Dutch architecture. The four members of the book’s editorial team select 30 of the outstanding projects completed in 2013 and describe the most important developments and trends that have an influence on the production and design of Dutch architecture. nai010 publishers >


Winning European tender City Archive Delft (NL)


Winning European tender City Archive Delft (NL)

The team Wingender Hovenier Architecten Amsterdam & Gottlieb Paludan Architects Copenhagen won the European tender for the new City Archive of Delft. Our team will develop the project in collaboration with Strackee (structural engineer), Spark Intelligent Design (MEP), Archisupport (quantity surveyor).


Bruno van den Elshout New Horizons


Bruno van den Elshout New Horizons

On Wednesday, March 26, the artist and photographer Bruno van den Elshout will give a lecture at our office in Amsterdam about his project 'New Horizons'. In 2012 Bruno van den Elshout photographed the North Sea Horizon every hour for one year. Creating in 366 days a collection of 8785 abstract, poetic and yet realistic portraits of the horizon. For participants please RSVP via office@winhov.nl
New Horizons >


Zusterflat Den Helder


Zusterflat Den Helder

Office Winhov has been selected to design a residential complex in the centre of Den Helder


Prix de Rome Architecture 2014


Prix de Rome Architecture 2014

Our partner Uri Gilad has been selected for the longlist of the Prix de Rome.


Shopping Center Terwijde


Shopping Center Terwijde

Both blocks with 5.500 m2 of shops and 134 apartments have reached the highest point.


Office Winhov
Uri Gilad, Joost Hovenier and Jan Peter Wingender


Office Winhov
Uri Gilad, Joost Hovenier and Jan Peter Wingender

Our new name Office Winhov has been launched


Highest point


Highest point

The highest point has been reached of Zölly residential tower in Zürich, Switzerland
Webcam >


W Hotel Amsterdam
Construction has started


W Hotel Amsterdam
Construction has started

In the night of 14th of July the crane was installed on the roof of  the former Government Office for Transactions and Telephonics. The building will be restored and transformed into a hotel.


Freilager Albisrieden


Freilager Albisrieden

Construction of our housing project on the Freilager Albisrieden site in Zürich has begun
Webcam >


Start construction Maisbaai


Start construction Maisbaai

The project includes 20 apartments, three residential care groups and a care support centre. It is located in the historic center of Middelburg, on the Dokhaven site where the VOC shipyard once stood.


Alpine loft in Mathon


Alpine loft in Mathon

The restoration and transformation of the listed barn into an alpine loft has begun. The barn which is located in the centre of Mathon (CH) is an essential part of the urban fabric of the village. In collaboration with office haratori.